(原标题:Target加入开放计算项目 旨在拓展边缘计算用例)
The Open Compute Project (OCP) is best known for its hardware designs for hyperscale data centers, but edge computing could represent some open field for the project.
Target CIO Mike McNamara, speaking at the company's ICONN infra cloud conference, said his company is the first major retailer to OCP. Target has also adopted OCP standards for hardware architecture and deployed OCP certified hardware across its data centers, distribution center and stores.
Target首席信息官Mike McNamara在公司的ICONN信息云会议上表示,Target公司是第一家采用OCP的大型零售商。Target也在硬件架构上采用了OCP标准,并在旗下数据中心、配送中心和商店部署了OCP认证的硬件。
McNamara said in his keynote that Target is open source on the hardware and software sides of its stack. Target has a distributed footprint and can influence new OCP use cases for networking and edge computing.
"What we can uniquely contribute to OCP is running edge compute," said McNamara. "We've got 2,000 stores and each is a mini data center. That's a different environment than a data center. What we can contribute is how you can develop compute that's for the edge instead of the data center."
McNamara said edge hardware designs will need to be resilient and reliable. "In store, if you lose a blade it's a third of the capacity. The needs and requirements are different. We hope to benefit from all the work and contribute to edge in the future."
Target has thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic and quickly pivoted to digital commerce quickly due to savvy acquisitions in 2017 and a multi-cloud architecture and agile development model that enabled it to scale.
Target在COVID-19大流行期间蓬勃发展, Target在2017年完成了几宗精明的收购后迅速转型为数字商务及多云架构和敏捷的开发模式,进而能够进入规模发展。