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瞻博网络第二季度业绩好于华尔街预期 净收入11.7亿美元

来源:至顶网 2021-07-28 19:47:41
网络设备公司瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)第二季度的财务业绩好于预期,发布的报告显示非美国通用会计准则净收益为1.41亿美元,同比增长21%。

(原标题:瞻博网络第二季度业绩好于华尔街预期 净收入11.7亿美元)

网络设备公司瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)第二季度的财务业绩好于预期,发布的报告显示非美国通用会计准则净收益为1.41亿美元,同比增长21%。

The non-GAAP diluted earnings per share are {zhiding_content_info}.43 and net revenue is .17 billion, beating Wall Street's expectations of .14 billion and {zhiding_content_info}.39 per share earnings.


According to a statement from the company, Juniper Networks planned to deliver a revenue of .14 billion for Q2, with non-GAAP earnings in the range of {zhiding_content_info}.33 to {zhiding_content_info}.43 per diluted share. The company forecasted revenue growth of 4% to 5% in spite of the chip shortage after bringing in a non-GAAP net income of .5 million in Q1.


Juniper Networks shares are up 0.11% at .64 in after-hours trading.


Juniper Networks expects to deliver a revenue around .2 billion in Q3 and the non-GAAP net income per share will be approximately {zhiding_content_info}.46, plus or minus {zhiding_content_info}.05.


In April, CFO Ken Miller said the company was "experiencing ongoing supply constraints which have resulted in extended lead times," blaming the slowdown on the "worldwide shortage of semiconductors impacting many industries."

首席财务官Ken Miller曾在4月份表示,瞻博网络“遇到了持续的供应限制,导致交货时间延长”,他并将这种放缓归咎于“全球范围内的半导体短缺影响到许多行业”。

The company included a similar message again, reminding investors that there is still a worldwide shortage of semiconductors impacting many industries, caused in part by the COVID-19 pandemic.


They reiterated that there will be extended lead times and elevated costs that will "persist for at least the next few quarters."


"While the situation is dynamic, at this point in time we believe we will have access to sufficient semiconductor supply to meet our full-year financial forecast," the company said.


"We expect our Q3'21 non-GAAP gross margin to decline sequentially due to higher costs related to supply constraints and an expected increase in service delivery costs, partially offset by benefits from higher revenue. We expect a modest sequential increase in Non-GAAP operating margin."


Juniper Networks bought Apstra for an undisclosed sum in January and spent 0 million acquiring 128 Technology Inc. in October.


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